BNP Paribas Fortis
BNPPF is one of the major banking companies in Belgium. Its facility department manages a portfolio of more than 800 sites that must be operational each day for the group’s activities.
In order to anticipate the changes in the banking sector, BNPPF has defined a 2020 strategy for its facility department. It aims to evolve towards a broker model, i.e. acting as an intermediary between key suppliers and internal customers.
The MSP project was launched in 2014 in order to change the maintenance management of its buildings portfolio. The objectives were to be more flexible towards a fast-evolving asset portfolio, and also to reduce the total cost of maintenance of these assets whilst ensuring a legal and market compliant level of service.
With these objectives in mind, the organization defined the optimal level and way of outsourcing. The bank decided to work with 2 multi service partners and to give them not only operational tasks, but also tactical activities.
Trusting such a large scope and responsibility to 2 partners required an in-depth analysis of the as is situation, vision on best fitting outsourcing model, project coordination to implement the model and the outsourced activities and guidance in order to ensure that each stakeholder endorse his new role and adhere to the change.
FacOrg consultants actively contributed in:
Definition of processes and standard tools to support the new model.
Definition of business cases to decide on activities to outsource,
Definition of a compensation model for suppliers based on quality,
Guidance of stakeholders to ensure adhesion to the change
And the overall project achieved a:
90% successful service transfers inside initially planned time
Decrease in total maintenance costs by more than 20%
80% of all maintenance activities are managed by the multi service partners
Decrease of 200 supplier contracts through transfer of activities to the 2 main partners
Better management of legal conformity
Acceptance of market compliant and customer-oriented service level inside a used to premium quality organisation
Post project support
Once the project was completed, FacOrg consultants were involved in the further evolution of these contracts.
Between 2017 and 2019, we provided support to:
The extension of the standard renewal framework from 3 to 7 years
A review of the Service Level Agreements and how to monitor them
A shift to a flat rate for 90% of maintenance costs
An annual “do better” agreement (yearly cost reduction at equivalent perimeter)