Home Invest Belgium
Listed Real Estate Company
Revenues : 19 M€ (31/12/2016)
2000+ tenants
190 000 m²
The project was initiated by an audit performed by Facorg in 2014 related to their IT applications. As a result, FacOrg recommended several tracks to get an up-to-date IT environment, from improving the current IT tools to implement a brand new corporate software.
After several months of reflexion, the decision was taken to implement a new ERP solution. FacOrg was mandated to support this implementation. The first step was to support HIB in writing their requirement specifications In a second step, we helped them selecting the most efficient tool regarding their needs. And finally, we managed the whole implementation process.
The client choosed for Axxerion, a tool that offer a large user requirements coverage (accounting, purchase to pay, property management, maintenance, document management …) in a single interface.
All data (incl. Historical financial data) from the former tool and other data sources (Excel spreadsheets) were migrated into Axxerion. The result was a fully linked and coherent database from the go-live date, benefiting to each employee.
The corporate tool has been implemented in 2 years by a small team. All the business processes have been reviewed in a cross-departmental approach and in collaboration with the key stakeholders.