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Modeling the applicative future at Eaglestone

Eaglestone is a company specialising in real estate development and investment. They acquire and convert buildings for residential, office and retail projects. Their developments incorporate site-specific architecture and an interest in contemporary art.

In order to meet their growth and demand for increasingly digital services, FacOrg conducted an analysis of Eaglestone's IT environment in the form of capability maps.

In order to provide a solid basis for reflection, FacOrg conducted about ten interviews with the staff. The purpose of these interviews was to identify the tools used and the capabilities managed by them.

This information was visually modelled in an AS IS capability map, to which was added a series of observations from the first analysis.

Following this first part focused on the AS IS situation, FacOrg started the construction of a TO BE application architecture scenario, by searching for suitable applications and identifying a coherent set of improvement projects.

Once this architecture proposal was validated by Eaglestone, FacOrg developed an implementation programme in 10 initiatives spread over time. The programme was constructed in such a way that the initiatives could be implemented at the pace and in the order Eaglestone wanted.

Today, FacOrg is supporting them in the first of these initiatives dedicated to Document Management.


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